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240 € - 1725 €
there are 9 products
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items


Red Burgundy - 1938

Meteorological data: Almost perfect weather conditions. Good weather from May to September, with rain arriving to cool and swell grapes ripened to perfection.

Harvest status: Date: from 27 September in excellent conditions.

Quality: perfectly ripe grapes.

Overall quality of the vintage: excellent. Rich and distinguished wines. The best, if well kept, are still wonderful.

White Burgundy - 1938

Overall quality of the vintage: very good. A rare vintage, due to the war. Excellent wines. Most of them were drunk by the German occupiers. A good number have survived, however.

Bordeaux Red - 1937

Meteorological data: From May to mid-September, weather conditions without rain, with a dry but fairly cool summer. A few welcome showers to cool the vines at the end of September. The season ends with good harvest conditions.

Harvest status:

Abundance: a big year.

Quality: good. Grapes with a naturally high degree of tannin and acidity.

Overall quality of the vintage: fairly good. Extremely tannic wines, most of which were bottled after the war. The wines have not developed very well. Today, they are austere, sometimes green and unpleasant.

Bordeaux White - 1937

Overall quality of the vintage: Excellent, lively and well kept. Acidity now dominates, however

Syrupy Bordeaux - 1937

Harvest status: Date: from September 20th.

Overall quality of the vintage: Excellent. Very good classic and delicious wines. The best, if well kept, are still superb.

Champagne - 1937

Overall quality of the vintage: Excellent. A remarkable year for all white wines in Europe, including champagne, as in 1921. Firm, well-constituted wines with a lovely acidity.

Red Rhone Valley - 1937

The vintage is rather well composed. The wines are pleasant. Some vintages for ageing will do wonders during the 1950s. They are now long outdated.

White Rhone Valley - 1937

The vintage is rather well put together. The wines are pleasant. Some well-aged crus produced wonders during the 1950s but they are now long past their peak.

White Alsace - 1937

Meteorological data: Fairly favourable climatic conditions. Mild winter. Beautiful summer.
General quality of the vintage wine: quite good. Soft and light wines.

White Loire - 1937

General quality of the vintage wine: Good. Nice wines. Some very nice successes.

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